Retaining Walls by Elastizell Systems

The purpose of all retaining walls is to restrict the movement of soil behind them. When designing a retaining wall as you know many variables must be considered. The most important factors that contribute to a successful retaining wall design are:

A strong foundation for The Retaining Wall

Poor soil quality can cause issues with water drainage, bearing capacity, freeze/ thaw issues as well as potential settlement of the wall foundation.

When you are designing your retaining walls consider the use of Elastizell Cellular Concrete to not only dramatically increase the resilience of your retaining wall but also reduce the cost of construction as well.

Advantages of using low density Elastizell cellular concrete fill as an alternative to conventional backfill materials for retaining walls include:

  • Reduced vertical and lateral loads help reduce the potential for wall foundation settlement
  • Create a load balancing base for supporting the retaining wall and footing structure.
  • Internal cohesion means no active earth pressure and results in little to no lateral force.
  • Minimized settlement.
  • Does not absorb water
  • Accelerated installation rate.
  • Improved fill uniformity.
  • No compaction or compaction testing is required.
  • Cost reduction circumventing conventional ground improvement or deep foundation techniques.
  • Reduced cost of the retaining wall structure due to reduced magnitude of driving forces.
  • Excellent freeze/ thaw resistance
  • Not susceptible to failure due to hydrocarbons like synthetic lightweight fills.
  • Can be used with Segmental Retaining Walls, MSE (Mechanically Stabilized Earth) Walls, Gravity Walls, Cantilevered Walls as well as Counterfort Walls.
  • Elastizell Systems' ability to expertly mix on-site requires only bulk deliveries which reduces truck traffic by up to 90 percent.

Elastizell Systems has provided exceptional lightweight concrete applications and solutions for more than four decades.

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