Roadway Fills by Elastizell Systems

Clay soils or any unstable soils like shale or organic soil like peat are all difficult to build a stable road on. However, roads have to be built where they are needed, and usually, they are in areas with unstable soils.

Unstable soils can cause issues with water drainage, bearing capacity, freeze/ thaw issues as well as potential settlement of the roadway.

When you are designing your roadways consider the use of Elastizell Cellular Concrete to not only dramatically increase the resilience of your roadway but also reduce the cost of construction as well.

Advantages of using low-density Elastizell cellular concrete fill as an alternative to conventional backfill materials for roadway construction or roadway rehabilitation include:

  • Create a load-balancing base for supporting the roadway.
  • Internal cohesion means no active earth pressure and results in little to no lateral force.
  • Is only 25% percent of the unit weight of soil
  • Has approximately a 4 to 1 replacement ratio for conventional fill materials
  • Minimized settlement.
  • Does not absorb water
  • Accelerated installation rate.
  • Improved fill uniformity.
  • No compaction or compaction testing is required.
  • Cost reduction circumventing or drastically reducing the cost of conventional ground improvement or deep foundation techniques.
  • Excellent freeze/ thaw resistance
  • Elastizell lightweight cellular concrete is not susceptible to failure due to exposure to hydrocarbons like synthetic expanded polystyrene lightweight fills. Elastizell is fire-resistant, non-flammable, and does not support combustion or emit toxic gasses.
  • Elastizell Systems' ability to expertly mix on-site requires only bulk deliveries which reduces truck traffic by up to 90 percent.
  • Quick placement can accelerate construction schedules

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Elastizell Systems has provided exceptional lightweight concrete applications and solutions for more than four decades.